What’s up, dudes? Rudolph, Frosty, Jack Frost, Phroomf. Phroomf? Yes, Adam Pope from Wizards! The Podcast Guide to Comics and The Retro Network is here to talk this obscure 1986 story of an alien pixie who crashes in Santa’s backyard and finds...
What’s up, dudes? The Christmas Cycle is almost over, so I’ve got the fabled Saturday Morning Mafia here to talk all about our favorite ’80s Christmas things! From movies to music, TV to toys, we reminisce about all the things from...
What’s up, dudes? It’s Thanksgiving time, so that means I’ve got Mike Westfall of Advent Calendar House here with me to dive into the Dino Riders Thanksgiving episode! We use our S.T.E.P. crystal to travel back...
What’s up, dudes? It’s spooky season, so that means it’s time break out the old Super Naturals holographic toyline from Tonka and who better to do that with than Chad Young of Horror Movie BBQ! It’s a classic tale of the battle between good ...
What’s up, dudes and dudettes? We’ve got Michael Christelman from The Wonderful World of Nothing blog to talk the 5th best-selling toy of Christmas 1985! Yep, it’s M.A.S.K., the cool quasi-mashup of G.I. Joe and...
What’s up, dudes and dudettes? By the power of Grayskull, we’ve got a masterful show here with special guest Thom Crowe from ‘Tis the Podcast! We talk all things He-man and She-ra. Skeletor has a crisis of conscience?! Not...
What’s up, dudes and dudettes? We’ve got a real Americal podcast here with special guest Todd Killian from the Christmas Clatter podcast! We talk all things ’80s G.I. Joe, especially the Christmas episode! Enjoy the Hap...
What’s up, dudes? Nathan Kennedy from the Fans of Power podcast joins me in battle against the evil Horde as we discuss some of the Masters of the Universe and She-Ra UK comics’ Christmas issues! What are the Joybringers? Did we...
What’s up, dudes? It’s all about Pound Puppies! Julia from ‘Tis the Podcast and Kim from Planning for Christmas join me to dive into all the Tonka and Hanna Barbera fluffy goodness! There’s a nightmare...
What’s up, dudes? It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for! That’s right! I’m here with my cohosts, the ‘Tis the Podcast elves Julia, Anthony, and Thom, for the 2nd Annual Raddies!! The Academy has refined the nomination and voting process, and...