What’s up dudes? Bionic, Bionic Six! The theme song is such an banger, and Adam Pope from Wizards! The Podcast Guide to Comics , The Retro Network (Geekster) Remember That Show? and I talk all about the toy...
What’s up, dudes? It’s all about WWF Prime Time Wrestling Halloween 1989, battle royale style with Jeremy Phelps the Alamo City Santa, CM Chuck from Just Another Friday Night, Joe from Now Watch This, Manny from Feliz Christmas, Merry...
What’s up, dudes? I’ve got Mike Westfall from Advent Calendar House, Chad Young from Horror Movie BBQ, and Tommy Coombs the Pop Daddy here to talk about the Halloween episode of the 1990 syndicated show/game show “Video Power!”...
What’s up, dudes? Everybody look around, hear the sound. Something special’s gonna come your way when Shawn Robare from Cult Film Club, Crestwood House, and Plastic Rocket Pop and Sean Sotka from the Christmas...