What’s up, dudes? I’ve got three Pizza Time Players—Ashley from The Magic of the Season, Ron from Film Strip, and Thom from ‘Tis the Podcast—here to talk all things Chuck E. Cheese! Chuck E. Cheese emerged from roots dating back to Pong and Atari! Pizza and games and animatronics! Oh my! Kadabrascope created a not-quite-complete Christmas special, “The Christmas That Almost Wasn’t!”
Chuck E. Cheese and Jasper travel to the North Pole on Christmas Eve to deliver Jasper’s letter to Santa because he forgot to mail it. On the way, they pass a slumbering storm cloud and accidentally wake him. Meanwhile, the elves realize they can’t finish making all the toys in time, until the elf Fortran makes a startling announcement: he’s built some Power Rangers’ Alpha-like robots to help! Unfortunately, just like in every sci-fi movie ever, the robots conquer the toymaking line and evidently discontinue the elves.
Still, in all of this hubbub, Chuck and Jasper arrive and witness the storm cloud they awoke causing havoc with some fireballs! What?! The stormy fireballs temporarily fry the robots, and, while Mrs. Claus hits the storm with her hammer–yes, that happens in this–Santa uses his magic to make the robots and elves get along. Consequently, the new family finishes the toys! Christmas is saved!
The special was notable because it never aired. As a matter of fact, Kadabrascope created stills and planned on animating transitions using a technique called “tweening,” in which computers fill in the animation between frames. Of course, Atari and video games went kaboom and Kadabrascope was sold to George Lucas. Oh yeah, and something about Pixar too! So grab your cigar and bowler, head to the North Pole, and scarf down this episode!
The Magic of the Season
IG: @themagicoftheseasonpodcast
‘Tis the Podcast
FB: @tisthepodcast
Twitter: @tisthepod
IG: @tisthepodcast
Film Strip
FB: @filmstrippod
Twitter: @FilmStripPod
IG: @filmstrippod

[…] Listen to this episode of Totally Rad Christmas Author: Gerry D / Ron Hogan, Ashley Dunbar, Thom Croew Title: Chuck E. Cheese (w/ Ashley, Thom, and Ron) […]
[…] 3. Totally Rad Christmas on Chuck E. Cheese. […]