What’s up, dudes? I’ve got my team of covert operatives working overtime fighting crime! Sean Sotka from the Christmas Podcasts Podcast and Jay and Scott from Jingle Jank and Tinsel Tunes are with me riding hot on V.E.N.O.M.’s trail and talking the M.A.S.K. UK comics Christmas issues! Are there villains dressed as Santa? Yep. Are there transforming vehicles? Sometimes… Are there plot contrivances and ’80s robots? Always! So grab your Spectrum mask, hop in Thunderhawk, and let those laser rays fire away while listening to this episode!
Christmas Podcasts Podcast
FB: @christmaspods
IG: @christmaspods
Twitter: @ChristmasPods
Tinsel Tunes
FB: @tinseltunes
IG: @tinseltunespodcast
Twitter: @TinselTunesPod
Jingle Jank
FB: @jinglejankpodcast
IG: @jinglejankpod
Twitter: @jinglejankpod
Christmas Morning
IG: @xmasmorningpod
Twitter: @xmasmorningpod