Ep 136 – Hallmark Dreambook 1984 (w/ Hallmark Dream Guys)

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Hosted by
Gerry D

What’s up, dudes? I’ve got the Hallmark Dream Guys here to talk the 1984 Hallmark Dreambook—all 16 pages of it! Anthony Caruso of ‘Tis the Podcast, Todd Killian of Christmas Clatter, and CJ Bélanger of Christmas Conversations join me to talk  baubles and Muppets and cameos! Oh my! We talk our personal collections and which ones from 1984 we own! Spoilers: I have the entire Norman Rockwell cameo set from 80-89! Or do I? Guess you’ll have to listen to find out! So bust out your tree and ornaments, put on the Time Life Treasury of Christmas, and travel back to 1984 with this episode!

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