Ep 212 – A Hobo’s Christmas (w/ Robert Nicholas)

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Hosted by
Gerry D

What’s up, dudes? I’ve got Robert Nicholas from Behind the Bells with me talking about the made for TV movie “A Hobo’s Christmas!” The Bernard Hughes/Gerald McRaney two-hander does Hallmark better than Hallmark!


Chance Grovner abandoned his family 25yrs earlier in order to find work to support them. With Christmas approaching and his age increasing, Chance leaves his friends to spend one more Christmas with his estranged son Charlie.

Despite his anger and resentment, Charlie allows Chance to stay for Christmas to allow his own children to get to know their grandfather. They go skating, pick out a tree, and make hobo stew. As the days go by, they all grow closer, and Chance invites his hobo friends over for a huge family Christmas party!

Chance tries to sneak away early in the morning, but Charlie and his kids go after him. Their declaration of love touches Chance, prompting him to leave his hobo lifestyle and stay with his family. Oh, and Charlie gets together with girlfriend for good. Yay, commitment!

Estranged father? Check. Love interest possibly moving away? Yep. Hobo stew? Only Chance’s legendary recipe! So grab your boots, pack up your bindle, and catch a train to this episode on “A Hobo’s Christmas!”

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