Ep 301 – I’ll Be Doom for Christmas (w/ Jeff and CM Chuck)

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Hosted by
Gerry D

What’s up, dudes? CM Chuck from Just Another Friday Night and Jeff Loftin from Lost Christmas  join me to talk about an obscure Marvel Comic issue What The?! #10! Specifically, we’re digging into the short story “I’ll Be Doom for Christmas!” Yes, it’s Santa Doom!


Santa arrives at Doom’s castle on Christmas Eve, but is ensnared by one of Doom’s traps. The injured Santa convinces Doom to deliver the remaining presents by agreeing to give him his heart’s desire. Doom does so, but isn’t super stealthy at Avengers Mansion, waking several Avengers who tail him quietly.

Subsequently, he heads to the Baxter Building and is attacked by the Fantastic Four despite his protests of innocence. In fact, the Thing punches him and he flies several blocks. Finally fed up, he begins to defend himself against the heroes, and it’s revealed they’re battling in front of a hospital for sickly children. Of course, Doom tells a little girl the heroes are here to help him pass out toys, and he embraces her in a hug. 

Weeks pass, and Santa is finally healed. As he leaves he tells Doom he’ll grant his wish, but Doom says it’s been taken care of. He’s cradling the teddy bear of the little girl from the hospital.

John Byrne art? Check. Scott Lobdell script? Got it. Heartwarming ending? Yeah, Doom’s a softy. So hitch up your snarky reindeer, put your Santa suit on over your armor, and ride out to this episode on “I’ll Be Doom for Christmas!”

Just Another Friday Night
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Lost Christmas Podcast
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