Ep 303 – John Denver & the Muppets: A Christmas Together (w/ Mike and Tim)

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Hosted by
Gerry D

What’s up, dudes? Peace on earth, goodwill towards men and women and chickens and bears… and Dizzy Gillespie! Yes, Mike Westfall of Advent Calendar House and Tim Babb from Can’t Wait for Christmas are with me to talk all about the 1979 special “John Denver & the Muppets: A Christmas Together!”


John Denver and the Muppets begin by singing “The Twelve Days of Christmas”. Unfortunately, poor ol’ Fozzie Bear continually forgets his line while Miss Piggy belts hers out with gusto.

The main plot of the rest of the special is the creation of the special itself and a special musical number for Miss Piggy. During the discussion of her number, Miss Piggy confronts Denver in her dressing room about their presumably mutual attraction. Miss Piggy, as a doll named Fifi, sings “I Will Wait for You” to Denver, who plays a wooden soldier trying to stay in step with a line of marching wooden soldiers.

The program concludes with Denver reciting the story of Jesus’ birth and joining the Muppets to sing “Stille Nacht/Silent Night” while the children in the audience join in.

Rowlf and Scooter? Check. Janice and Floyd? They’re here too. mullet Nativity figures? Indubitably! So grab your

Advent Calendar House
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Can’t Wait for Christmas 
FB: @CantWaitForChristmasPod
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1 comment
  • I actually saw this when it was first (and only?) shown on TV.
    1. I so loved it!
    2. I was confused who the Dupont commercials were for?
    I bought the album after and LOVED IT!
    Thanks for a great show.
    PS. The eyeglasses bit was my favorite.

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