What’s up, dudes? Everybody look around, hear the sound. Something special’s gonna come your way when Shawn Robare from Cult Film Club, Crestwood House, and Plastic Rocket Pop and Sean Sotka from the Christmas Podcasts Podcast join me to talk “Kids, Incorporated!” They even had a New Year’s Eve special where they rock in the New Year!
In this Dec 31st clip show, Kids, Incorporated are rehearsing in the garage when Riley breaks the bad news. Apparently, his latest invention exploded and covered The P*lace in ice cream! Everything is ruined, and the New Year’s Eve party must be canceled! Despondent, the kids reprimand him and begin to sulk when Stacy finds their old New Year’s resolutions.
As they comb through each others’ resolutions, they reminisce about particular instances: Ryan trying to fit in, Renee attempting to be a better sister, Gloria getting her tonsils removed, the Kid stealing Gloria’s fame, and Stacy helping a has-been trombone player. The kids realize that their friendship has gotten them through hard times, and apologize to Riley. Luckily, as the plot demanded, Riley found a substitute venue and the party is back on! Oh, and lots of singing ensues!
Clip show flashbacks? Check. Perfectly convenient plot contrivances? Got ‘em. Killer tunes sung while wearing sequins tuxedos? Definitely! So grab your guitar, pick up a microphone, and rock out to this episode on “Kids, Incorporated: Rock in the New Year!”
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Christmas Podcasts Podcast
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