Ep 10 – Mega Man (w/ Danny Davila)

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Hosted by
Gerry D

What’s up, dudes and dudettes? We’ve got Totally Rad All-Star Danny Davila here to talk about my Christmas present in 1989, Mega Man! He’s the Blue Bomber! He’s the Super Fighting Robot! Released on December 17, 1987 for the NES, it’s a science fiction side-scrolling action platformer about a robot who must defeat the nefarious Dr. Wily!


In the year 20XX, Mega Man is a robot originally named Rock, created as a lab assistant by the scientist Dr. Light with his partner Dr. Wily. The treacherous Dr. Wily reprogrammed most of Dr. Light’s robots, so Rock volunteered to be converted into a fighting robot. Now ready to defend the world from Wily’s violent robotic threats, Rock became Mega Man.

As the years progressed, Dr. Wily created his own robotic masters, each designed with a specific weapon system. Utilizing his Mega Buster arm cannon and his ability to copy the special weapons of the boss robots he defeats, Mega Man traversed harsh environments in order to bring Wily’s menace to an end. With the help of his creator Dr. Light and his assorted cybernetic companions, Mega Man’s eventual goal is to one day achieve everlasting peace for both humans and robots.

Robotic dog named Rush? Check. Robotic reindeer? Uh huh. Oh, and yes! the infamous “Dr. Wahwee” pronunciation gets mentioned! Enjoy the Hap, Hap, Happiest Christmas memories, and remember to vote on the best worst impression on our social media sites for an extra special chance to win some Mega Man merch!

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