Bonus ep – Rehya Stevens “Santa’s Takin’ Over the Town”

Play episode
Hosted by
Gerry D

What’s up, dudes? I’ve got award winning singer Rehya Stevens here to talk about her brand new Christmas album “Santa’s Takin’ Over the Town!” From the acoustic ballad ‘Early Winter’ to the quasi-12 bar blues title track, each song is expertly crafted and orchestrated! And be sure to hit up ‘Be My Baby by Christmas Night!’ Its uptempo flair and catchy melody are sure to have you tappin’ your toes! This album’s guaranteed to fill your home with cozy Christmas feels and make you smile! The 6/8 orchestral ‘Christmas is Near’ immediately brings to mind Victorian carols and conjures images of Christmastide that are rich and vibrant! You gotta check it out!

Rehya Stevens
FB: @rehya.stevens
IG: @stevensrehya
Spotify: Rehya Stevens

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