What’s up, dudes? It’s Christmas Eve! Yes, tonight we begin Christmastide, so I’ve got Thom Crowe from ‘Tis the Podcast and Art Kilmer from A Cozy Christmas with to talk about Hanna-Barbera! No, not Yogi or Fred Flintstone, it’s The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible “The Nativity!”
Several Gospel pericopes are concatenated in this 1987 straight-to-video animated feature. While surveying the sight of some ancient ruins, two young archaeologists, Derek and Margo, and their nomad friend Moki find themselves trapped and sinking in a whirlpool full of sand. When the dust settles, they stare up in awe at a vast chamber filled with giant relics and artifacts from another civilization. And there at the far end of the cavern, a door with a strange inscription: All who enter these portals pass through time!
Finding themselves in the 1st century BC Holy Land, the trio arrive in time for Caesar Augustus’s decree. Accordingly, St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary make the trek to Bethlehem, their ancestral home. Simultaneously the Magi follow a star to Bethlehem in search of a new king. The trio meet a shepherd boy named Yasha who leads them to Jerusalem, where they discover Herod’s plot to have the Magi followed. That night they see the Angel’s proclamation of great joy, and follow some shepherds to the inn where Jesus was born.
An inn with no room? Check. Magi following a star? Got it. Adoring the Holy Family? Definitely! So grab your gold, frankincense, and myrrh, hop on a camel, and head to Bethlehem with this episode! O come, let us adore him in The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible “The Nativity!”
‘Tis the Podcast
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A Cozy Christmas
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