What’s up, dudes? Peace on earth, goodwill towards men and women and chickens and bears… and Dizzy Gillespie! Yes, Mike Westfall of Advent Calendar House and Tim Babb from Can’t Wait for Christmas are with me to talk all about...
What’s up, dudes? “Disney’s Sing-Along Songs” was a series of videos first released in October 1986! Disney connoisseurs Mike Westfall from Advent Calendar House and Charlie Ague from Closer to Christmas and Ague Designs are here with me to break...
What’s up, dudes? I’ve got Mike Westfall from Advent Calendar House, Chad Young from Horror Movie BBQ, and Tommy Coombs the Pop Daddy here to talk about the Halloween episode of the 1990 syndicated show/game show “Video Power!”...
What’s up, dudes? We interrupt your regularly scheduled summer day to bring you this special news bulletin! Indeed, Mike Westfall of Advent Calendar House and Tim Babb from Can’t Wait for Christmas are one the scene with me to talk all about the...
What’s up, dudes? If you can find the images hidden in this episode, then you can win big prizes! I’ve got Mike Westfall of Advent Calendar House and Chad Young from Horror Movie BBQ here with me to all about “Finders Keepers!” Yes, the...
What’s up, dudes? It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for! That’s right! It’s the 4th Annual Totally Rad Christmas Awards! This year I’m joined by ‘Tis the Podcast elves Anthony and Thom, Ashley Dunbar from The Magic...
What’s up, dudes? NES was the greatest thing ever in the ’80s! In fact, it was so great they made a feature film about it! I’ve got Mike Westfall of Advent Calendar House and Chad Young from Horror Movie...
What’s up, dudes? Remember Dumbo? Well, he had an early Disney Channel Show, and I’ve got Mike Westfall from Advent Calendar House and Thom Crowe from ‘Tis the Podcast with me to break down the (quasi-) Halloween episode! Yes, it’s...
What’s up, dudes? I’ve got Mike Westfall from Advent Calendar House, Chad Young from Horror Movie BBQ, and Tommy Coombs the Pop Daddy here to talk about the Christmas episodes of the 1988 syndicated game show “Funhouse!” Hosted...
What’s up, dudes? 40 years ago, the Walt Disney World Very Merry Christmas Parade was broadcast live on National TV! Disney connoisseurs Mike Westfall from Advent Calendar House and Charlie Ague from Closer to Christmas and Ague Designs are here...