What’s up, dudes? Happy Christmas Podcast Day! I’ve got a whole parade of All-Stars here talking the 1989 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! Charlyn from Take a Chic Peek, Manny from Feliz Christmas, Merry Navidad, and...
What’s up, dudes? It’s the A-Team: four Vietnam vets, framed for a crime they didn’t commit who help the innocent while on the run from the military. I’ve got Laramy Wells from Moving Panels and Joe Fulton the Christmas Aficionado with me to...
What’s up, dudes? When people talk about the classics of Thanksgiving television, they always talk about the WKRP in Cincinatti’s “Turkeys Away” episode! My bud Vinnie Brezinsky from Huey and Bax joins me to gab–or is it...
What’s up, dudes? I’ve got Christmas Clatter host Todd Killian here to discuss the “Newhart” episode ‘Thanksgiving for the Memories!’ When some electrical work needs to be done at the inn, Dick and company go to the rich Vanderkellens for...
What’s up, dudes? Remember struggling to make that trip home for Thanksgiving? Anthony Caruso from ‘Tis the Podcast and CJ Bélanger from Christmas Sessions remember! That’s right! It’s all “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles!” We talk about...
What’s up, dudes? It’s Thanksgiving time, so that means I’ve got Mike Westfall of Advent Calendar House here with me to dive into the Dino Riders Thanksgiving episode! We use our S.T.E.P. crystal to travel back...