What’s up, dudes? Adam Pope from Wizards! The Podcast Guide to Comics and The Retro Network (Geekster) is here to talk about the unbelievable phenomenon that was Teddy Ruxpin! It’s Ken Forsse’s terrific talking teddy bear…no, Illiop! In fact, there...
What’s up, dudes? Adam Pope from Wizards! The Podcast Guide to Comics and The Retro Network is here to talk about the 1983 Disney Channel show “Welcome to Pooh Corner!” That’s right! It’s a live action Pooh bear and all the...
What’s up, dudes? If your stocking gets stolen and your tree can’t be found, you may as well call us ’cause we’ll be around. We have to work Christmas, so if you’re in a pinch, just give Blue Moon a jingle and ask for the...
What’s up, dudes? Rudolph, Frosty, Jack Frost, Phroomf. Phroomf? Yes, Adam Pope from Wizards! The Podcast Guide to Comics and The Retro Network is here to talk this obscure 1986 story of an alien pixie who crashes in Santa’s backyard and finds...