What’s up, dudes? Happy Halloween! I’ve got Anthony Caruso from ‘Tis the Podcast here to dive into the 1981 TV movie “The Munsters’ Revenge!” 15 years after the show ended, the gang returned—with recast children—to clear their names...
Rad Episodes
What’s up, dudes? Captain’s Log. Stardate 1987.9. A delegation of Creeg from North Pole Radio is here on a diplomatic mission. Santa Ambassador Matt Spaulding is leading the discussions, and we hope to settle the question of the...
What’s up, dudes? Acting legend Michael B Moynahan joins me to talk about his run as Lookout Bear in the 1986 show Zoobilee Zoo! Talking the “Winter Wonderland” episode, we dive into some of the fun details of that special Christmas and...
What’s up, dudes? Art Kilmer and from A Cozy Christmas helps me to use my little gray cells to remember Agatha Christie and her famous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot! That’s right! We’re talking “Hercule Poirot’s Christmas,”...
What’s up, dudes? It’s the 150th episode, so I’ve got my brother Danny and Anthony Caruso from ‘Tis the Podcast with me to play a special Christmas music game! We’ve remade the Time Life Treasury of Christmas using only versions of songs...
What’s up, dudes and dudettes? We’ve got Michael Christelman from The Wonderful World of Nothing blog to talk the 5th best-selling toy of Christmas 1985! Yep, it’s M.A.S.K., the cool quasi-mashup of G.I. Joe and...
What’s up, dudes and dudettes? By the power of Grayskull, we’ve got a masterful show here with special guest Thom Crowe from ‘Tis the Podcast! We talk all things He-man and She-ra. Skeletor has a crisis of conscience?! Not...
What’s up, dudes and dudettes? We’ve got a fantastical podcast here with special guest Anthony Caruso from ‘Tis the Podcast! We talk Rankin/Bass’s 1985 adaptation of L. Frank Baum’s The Life and Adventures of Santa...
What’s up, dudes and dudettes? We’ve got a fun, old-fashioned family podcast here with special guest Lucas Hinojosa, Jr.! We really get into 1989s “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”! Enjoy the Hap, Hap, Happiest...
What’s up, dudes and dudettes? We’ve got a real Americal podcast here with special guest Todd Killian from the Christmas Clatter podcast! We talk all things ’80s G.I. Joe, especially the Christmas episode! Enjoy the Hap...