Ep 263 – Treasury of Christmas Recipes from Your Favorite Brand Name Companies (w/ Glen Warren)

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Hosted by
Gerry D

What’s up, dudes? Christmas is a time for feasting!  Therefore, I’ve got Glen Warren from Season’s Eatings here with me to discuss 1989’s The Treasury of Christmas Recipes from Your Favorite Brand Name Companies! What an interesting cookbook from a remarkable era!


The entire project was published by Publications International, Ltd., founded in 1967 by Louis Weber. The company publishes books and educational products in many categories, including virtual reality and other interactive learning experiences, reference, leisure, inspirational, automotive, and sports. Thus, the cookbook is divided into 7 sections: 1) Appetizers, Soups & Beverages; 2) Breads & Coffee Cakes; 3) Salads & Side Dishes; 4) Main Dishes; 5) Desserts; 6) Cookies & Candies; and 7) Gifts From The Kitchen.

The recipes are taken from those published by quite a few brand name companies in various magazines. Consequently, some of the more notable entries are by Dole, Hershey, Keebler, and Kraft. Quaker Oats and Borden even get in on the action. In fact, there are even a few by various associations and boards.

From Cherry Pecan Poundcake to Lemon Broiled Fish, from Ginger Pineapple Mold to Glazed Stuffed Cornish Hens, this book is peak ‘80s food! As well, many recipes even include adaptations for using a microwave instead of the stove or oven! Oh, the Best Brownies recipe is dynamite!

Cranberry Holiday Ring? Check. Eggnog Pie? Got it. Kahlua Hot Spiced Apple Cider? What in the…? So grab your bread, make some broccoli cheese soup, and bake some artichoke squares to this episode all about the Treasury of Christmas Recipes!

Season’s Eatings
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